Extraordinary Indian Women

Ordinary women doing extraordinary things.

Malala Yousafzai & Emma Watson



Malala Yousafzai tells Emma Watson: I’m a feminist thanks to you.

Watson posted a video of the interview on her Facebook page and said she found Yousafzai’s admission moving. She said: “Perhaps the most moving moment of today for me was when Malala addressed the issue of feminism. To give you some background, I had initially planned to ask Malala whether or not she was a feminist but then researched to see whether she had used this word to describe herself.

“Having seen that she hadn’t, I decided to take the question out before the day of our interview. To my utter shock Malala put the question back into one of her own answers and identified herself. Maybe feminist isn’t the easiest word to use … but she did it anyway.

“I’ve spoken before on what a controversial word feminism is currently. More recently, I am learning what a factionalised movement it is too. We are all moving towards the same goal.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1RYtuYh

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This entry was posted on November 21, 2015 by in Uncategorized.